Portals: Computational Arts| Performing with A.I.

Performing with A.I.

a performance lecture by Abhinay Khoparzi & Manaswi Misra

Date: 14th September, 2024

Time: 3 PM

Venue: Goethe Institut Delhi


Join us for an insightful performance lecture with Abhinay Khoparzi and Manaswi Mishra as they explore the dynamic intersection of A.I., live coding, and live music performance. In an era where content is increasingly manufactured, this lecture centres on the "human" element wielding technology, demonstrating how innovative practices in A.I. and live coding are redefining the boundaries of music.

Abhinay Khoparzi's Model:

Abhinay Khoparzi brings a unique approach to live music performance through the use of A.I. and live coding. His practice revolves around creating bass-heavy, algorithmically generated music that incorporates dance music tropes and glitchy noises. Utilising open-source software and a custom version of TidalCycles—a powerful tool written in Haskell—Khoparzi manipulates audio samples and integrates digital synthesis and machine learning techniques through SuperCollider DSP.

  • Live Coding with TidalCycles: Experience the creation of music through live coding with TidalCycles, a system that enables the generation of complex sounds by manipulating various audio elements and machine learning models.
  • Body Tracking and Computer Vision: Khoparzi enhances his performance with body tracking and pose estimation techniques, using computer vision-based machine learning technologies to introduce modulations that interact with his music.
  • Exploring Audio Data and Machine Learning: Discover how Khoparzi explores a vast array of audio data, including samples from culturally significant events and a variety of musical traditions, processed through machine learning models like RAVE (Realtime Audio Variational autoEncoders) to produce rich and evolving soundscapes.

Manaswi Mishra's Model:

Manaswi Mishra will address the growing role of generative A.I. in the creative industries, highlighting its impact on music, art, and authenticity. In a world where synthetic data streams are rapidly increasing, Mishra explores how A.I. can challenge traditional notions of creativity and authorship.

  • Generative A.I. in Music: Learn about the A.I. music tools developed at the MIT Media Lab, used for composing and creating live music in contexts such as opera and symphony orchestras.
  • Interactive Exploration: Engage in a live interactive session where you can experiment with A.I. music tools, regardless of your coding or musical background.
  • Shifting Paradigms in Creativity: Understand how the values of art and music are evolving in the age of generative A.I., focusing on the processes and communities that foster collective creativity.

Why Attend?

This performance lecture offers a unique opportunity to delve into the cutting-edge convergence of A.I. and music. It provides insights into how technology can enhance and transform musical practices while maintaining the essential human element. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how A.I. can be harnessed for creative expression and practical tools to explore in their own projects.

Who Should Attend?

  • Music and Technology Enthusiasts: Explore the innovative use of A.I. in live music performance and creation.
  • Artists and Creators: Gain insights into how A.I. can be integrated into creative practices and performance.
  • Students and Professionals: Engage with advanced tools and concepts in A.I. music and live coding.
  • General Public: Discover the future of music and art in a technology-driven world.

About the Speakers:

Abhinay Khoparzi is a multidisciplinary creative technologist with a practice spanning film, video, music, and web technologies. He co-founded 3rd Thought Entertainment and is known for his filmmaking with Empatheia Films, including "Kshay" (2012) and "Fairy Folk" (2022). A key figure in India's experimental electronic music scene, Abhinay also co-founded Algorave India, promoting live coding as performance art. He has performed at various international events and organized India's first remote VR events and all-women Algorave lineup.

Manaswi Mishra is a graduate researcher in the Opera of the Future, MIT Media Lab and a LEGO Pappert Fellow. His research explores strategies and frameworks for a new age of composing, performing and learning music using A.I. His work has been published and featured in the Harvard Tech Review, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Conferences of Computational Creativity, Communications of the ACM, ISEA Brisbane, IFA Stuttgart, CVPR 2024, Burning Man 2023, Bloomberg Law etc. He also holds an MS in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT, MS in Music Technology from UPF, Barcelona and BTech from Indian Institute of Technology Madras.


Work In Progress Labs

An artists collective in Delhi working towards fostering alternate, experimental and critical practices.

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